Thursday, May 28, 2009

Here are the kids at the day of the recital. Dont they look cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brock is tough.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We went to Hogel Zoo for memorial day and it was fun.

Well Brock had a great birthday party. He had one at his dad's house and then one here in brigham city.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Well I know that britt can handle her wrestling This is a also a picture of the girls outside while i was cleaning the car. fun in the sun. Bailey and Mary could use more

Mary decided to take trin and bailey for a walk. Her stroller was in my car and I was out of town so mary made up this contraption for bailey. She was cozy that she fell asleep. Shopping

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Now here was a fun day. we streaked britt's hair. and now she looks really cute. She totally loved the cap on her

The girls are dancing to a car song in their recital for dance. We got to use these cars that I made for them for the first time. It was a bit rough but hey it will work out great.
Brittany wanted to ave a easter morning tea party. So her and Bailey had one.

Here is Bailey at easter. She had a great time once we got the thing opened. Now all I hear is a catchy tune all day.

Here is hannah and her husband. I think they were starting to get tired by this time. They smiled a little for the picture.
while we were at tabitha's wedding we got to stay in a hotel called the Parry Lodge. It is known for famous stars that would always stay there. Brock had to write a report for school and his trip. So he wrote how he got to stay in the actors picture that is to his upper left coner. Sorry forgot his name.

Here is my little princess and her new two bottom teeth. She is excited to get her picture taken.

New family picture

Ok so I know it has been since christmas since I was last on here. So sorry to you all. I had this lovely picture taken also at the wedding. It was a beautiful day. And the picture turned out nice.


Is this not just the sweetest mother daughter picture. It was at my baby sisters wedding. We all had a great time.